
Huehuepiaxtla - Puebla

Mexico > Puebla > Huehuepiaxtla (Axutla)
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06-11-09 18:20 #93273
Por:No Registrado
diana gutierrez, hija de agustin gutierrez
so im guessing everyone knows the truth by now, im two months along ...and yes i do know who the baby daddy is and yes he will be part of the babys life.please this is private for me and my family...
07-11-09 09:58 #93329 -> 93273
Por:No Registrado
RE: diana gutierrez, hija de agustin gutierrez
ok this is a lie beacuse one diana will never refer to herself as lady d, so whoever this is stop acting that your her because i talk to her all the time and she is not pregnant so stop trying to be her. go try to do something more productive with your life then trying to be other people because your just a waste of space in this world. do you have no shame. shit your probably the one pregnant and dont even know who the father of the baby is and your just trying to draw the focuse to diana because you dont want anyone to find out because you have made a big mistake in your sad Triste
so go and try to find your baby daddy and leave diana alone
Puntos: - Ultima actualizacion:14/06/2020
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